As we look to the eventual arrival of spring, we have also entered the season of graduate award announcements, as well as upcoming deadlines for many grant, award and professional development opportunities.
Recently in Inside IU Today, this year’s Wells Graduate Fellowship, our most prestigious award, has been given to Iryna Voloshyna, a PhD student in Folklore and Ethnomusicology, for her work on preserving Ukrainian culture. Congratulations Iryna for your work and this recognition!
Each year Indiana University celebrates excellence in teaching by graduate students with the Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award. This year Sara Fischer, a PhD student in English was named the IUB Lieber Awardee. In addition to recognition at the spring IU Celebration of Distinguished Teaching, Sara was automatically made our nominee for a regional award, the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Award. This competition is keen and includes nominations from institutions across the Midwest. Sara was named the runner up for this competition and will be recognized at the MAGS Annual Meeting later this semester in St. Louis. Congratulations Sara!
We held our 8th Annual Three Minute Thesis competition on February 15th in the IMU Frangipani Room. Twenty-six participants presented their master's or doctoral research in three minutes, using only one slide, at a level understandable to the public. The presentations were excellent, and it was exciting to see the breadth of research being done by IUB graduate students. School of Public Health graduate student Austin Medlin was chosen by a panel of celebrity judges as the winner, with Katherine Barrus and Priya Modak receiving 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Each received a certificate and cash prize and Austin will represent IUB in the regional MAGS 3MT competition, also being held at the organization’s meeting this spring. Congratulations to all participants and all the best to Austin in the MAGS competition.
Information about these awards and competitions, and more, can be found on our newly refreshed website. There you will also find further information about the fellowship and award competitions with upcoming deadlines that are described below in this newsletter. I encourage you to check them out and to consult with the contacts listed for each award or our Fellowships and Awards Coordinator, Jen Barron.
And finally, I hope that you are looking forward to the eclipse on April 8th. Bloomington is in the path of totality and IU has planned a number of activities around the event. See for details. The week before the eclipse is also Graduate Student Appreciation week. The Graduate and Professional Student Government and our office are planning events – look for details in next month’s newsletter.
 David Daleke Dean, IUB Graduate School |