Explore your opportunities in a Continuing Non-Degree Program
If you hold at least a bachelor’s degree and want to take graduate courses without pursuing an actual degree, then the Continuing Non-Degree Status may be for you. Continuing Non-degree students may enroll in graduate courses only or enroll in a combination of graduate and undergraduate courses in the same semester.
Registration is blocked until the Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington receives forms and permissions. If your application is submitted without forms and permissions, you must email signed forms later to nondegr@indiana.edu, or you may be able to load forms after the application is submitted.
For further information contact:
Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington Wells Library 1320 E. Tenth Street Room E546 Bloomington, IN 47405 nondegr@indiana.edu (812) 856-4503
Please note the following:
You may enroll only in courses for which you can obtain signatures of permission to register from the instructor and chair on the Course Enrollment Request Form, which considers the individual’s academic background and course enrollment limitations.
Please note that Continuing Non-degree students may not accumulate more than 18 credit hours in a single subject area. Please see the Student Policy Statement for departments that limit hours to fewer than 18.
Continuing Non-degree students are subject to the same policies as all Indiana University students, as well as the policies of the specific schools in which they take classes.
If you have specific questions about a course, please contact the department through which the course is offered or consult the Schedule of Classes.
The Continuing Non-degree (CND) status may be an option for you if you hold a bachelor’s degree and:
Want to explore courses for possible future enrollment in a graduate/professional degree program.
Want to take courses for personal or professional enrichment without pursuing an actual degree.
Want to enroll in a least one graduate-level course for a grade.
Want to enroll in an IU course while attending another university or another IU campus.
You must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university (or the foreign equivalent). There is no prior GPA requirement.
Transcripts are not required for domestic applicants with domestic undergraduate degrees.
Letters of recommendation and Standardized Tests are not required.
If you are a US citizen with a bachelor’s degree granted by an institution outside the United States, please attach unofficial transcripts in the original language along with an official translation to English.
Official transcripts must either be sent directly by the institution to the respective international admissions office in a sealed envelope or submitted by the applicant in a sealed envelope with the institutional seal or signature on the unopened envelope flap.
Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington Graduate Continuing Non-Degree Wells Library 1320 E. 10th Street, Room E546 Bloomington, IN 47405
Transcript vendor's that require an email address for delivery may use nondegr@iu.edu.
For international applicants, please load unofficial transcripts to the application. Official transcripts must either be sent directly by the institution to the respective international admissions office in a sealed envelope or submitted by the applicant in a sealed envelope with the institutional seal or signature on the unopened envelope flap.
Office of International Services Ferguson International Center 330 North Eagleson Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405
Transcript vendor's that require an email address for delivery may use iublrecy@iu.edu.
Official transcripts or degree certificates issued in languages other than English must be accompanied by an official translation to English unless the issuing institution routinely also issues the documents in English (Taiwan, Germany, Iran, etc.).
If the degree is not posted on the transcript, a separate official degree certificate or diploma must be presented to verify the type of degree awarded and the date of award. Verification of graduation is required.
IU Bloomington will evaluate transcripts to determine bachelor equivalency before granting admission.
The Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington (UGS) offers the Continuing Non-degree (CND) Status for those holding baccalaureate degrees who wish to take courses at Indiana University Bloomington. Applicants should not be currently admitted to a department or an IU degree program.
UGS handles the applications, admissions, and record keeping. If you later wish to pursue a graduate degree at IU, you must formally apply for admission to a degree program, petition to have selected courses already taken count toward the degree, and be bound by the time limitation for the degree; consult the University Graduate School Bulletin.
UGS requires that while in the CND Program students have:
no less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA;
no more than 18 credit hours accumulated per subject area;
no more than two incompletes;
no more than 12 credit hours in one semester.
Fee structure: The graduate tuition rate will be charged for courses taken for credit, whether they are at the graduate—or undergraduate level; see Student Central for current fees.
Suppose you plan to enroll in all undergraduate non-degree courses. In that case, you can enroll through University Division, Maxwell Hall 028, 750 E. Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-7797, udivrec@indiana.edu, in order to obtain undergraduate tuition rates.
Use the Course Enrollment Request Form to obtain written permission to enroll prior to registration from both the course instructor and the chairperson of the department offering the course.
At least two weeks before the scheduled CND registration day, either load forms to the application or return the completed and signed course form(s) to Wells Library, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Room E546 nondegr@indiana.edu to obtain permission to register.
UGS reserves the right to:
cancel a student’s registration in a course if the enrollment quota is filled by departmentally affiliated students;
cancel a student’s registration in the event of unauthorized course enrollment (if signed Course Enrollment Request Form is not submitted for each enrolled course);
assign enrollment priorities among CND students if some of them must be denied enrollment in a particular course due to an enrollment quota; and
modify the provisions of the CND Program.
I have read the above statement and accept the terms of enrollment as a Continuing Non-degree student.
The Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington (GSB) requires that while registered through the Continuing Non-degree Status (CND), students have:
no less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA;
no more than 18 credit hours accumulated per subject area;
no more than two incompletes;
no more than 12 credit hours in one semester.
As do all IU students, all CND students must abide by the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. If taking classes as a CND student in a School other than BGS, the CND student is also subject to the policies of that School.
For CND students interested in Business, Education, Music, or The School of Public Health courses:
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (Bloomington and Indianapolis)
The School of Business graduate faculty views as its first priority providing courses needed as part of the MBA curriculum for those students admitted and regularly enrolled in the MBA Program. The School also recognizes a need to provide opportunities for individuals in the community to broaden themselves professionally and personally through advanced study in business. Such a person may not need an advanced degree or may already have earned an MBA, but may want to enroll in selected courses related to his or her present or proposed area of employment. The School of Business attempts to allow these people to enroll as CND students to the extent that it is possible to accommodate them in MBA classes without excluding regular MBA students.
Before CND students enroll, they must also complete a School of Business Special Student Application and be properly advised about course offerings by the Director of Graduate Student Services or the Director of Admissions of the School of Business.
CND students should only enroll in courses for which they are well prepared. The students admitted to MBA classes as “special/non-degree” should be those who can both benefit from and contribute to the learning experiences of the classroom. Students are required to receive approval in writing from the faculty member teaching the course.
Because the purpose of admission as a CND student is for personal enrichment or job advancement, those students considering application for regular MBA status will not be approved for special/non-degree student status. Taking courses before being officially admitted to the MBA Program would preclude the prospective new MBA student from receiving appropriate exemption and academic counseling. Courses taken in the School of Business by a special/non-degree student will not count as hours toward the MBA degree.
The School of Music views as its first priority providing graduate courses for students admitted to the Graduate Division of the School of Music. The School also recognizes a need to provide opportunities for individuals who wish to broaden themselves professionally and personally through advanced study in music. Provision will be made for those who are qualified to enroll as CND students to the extent that it is possible to accommodate them.
Before non-degree students enroll, they must be advised and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies for the School of Music. Courses taken in the Graduate Division of the School of Music by a Continuing Non-degree Student will not count as credit hours toward any graduate degrees offered by the School of Music.
The School of Education recognizes and welcomes students selecting individual classes related to their academic interests. The faculty does, however, reserve the right to limit enrollment in required courses leading to licensing or advanced degree programs to students admitted to those programs. CND students must meet with a designated School of Education advisor for course approval. Students may request to count up to 15 hours of non-degree work towards the MSED or higher degree. Students may take the full 18 credits for licensure renewals or personal enrichment although a maximum of only 15 credits can be considered to count toward a degree.
The School of Public Health-Bloomington welcomes non-degree graduate students to select and complete courses related to their academic fields of interest. The faculty does, however, reserve the right to limit enrollment in courses required for our degrees to students who have been admitted to those programs. Furthermore, no more than nine credits, completed before formal admission to a School of Public Health-Bloomington graduate-level degree program, may be used to satisfy the requirements for that degree.
Non-degree graduate students who intend to earn a School of Public Health-Bloomington graduate-level degree are strongly encouraged to meet with a designated faculty advisor for the desired degree program. This faculty member should be from the department in which the selected course resides.
Although the application deadline is rolling for the Continuing Non-degree status, please be aware of the late registration deadlines and fees. You should apply early to allow time for processing your application and to allow yourself time to obtain and submit the required permissions. International applications will require additional processing times. Please review the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin. You are responsible to familiarize yourself with IU policies, procedures, and deadlines.
There is no application fee.
Students in this status must pay a $25 processing fee each semester they enroll through the program.
Continuing Non-degree students may register for undergraduate- or graduate-level courses; however, graduate fees are assessed for all. If you are interested in all undergraduate courses, please contact the University Division.
Generally, students enrolled in the CND status are not eligible for financial aid. Please contact the Office of the Bursar for tuition and financial aid questions. Go to MoneySmarts to calculate tuition.
The Indiana University Graduate School Bloomington requires students admitted to the Continuing Non-degree status to:
Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Acquire no more than 18 credit hours in one department (See School Policy Statement for school limits)
Have no more than two incompletes
Enroll in no more than 12 credit hours in one semester
Students admitted on a Continuing Non-degree basis may later submit a formal application to a degree program if they decide they wish to pursue a graduate degree. At that time, the department may recommend that credit earned as a Continuing Non-degree student be applied to the degree requirements; however, some departments and schools prohibit credit earned under this status from counting toward a degree program.
If you are applying for admission as a Continuing Non-degree student and believe you may later wish to pursue a graduate degree, check with the school or department you are interested in regarding its policy of applying credit earned as a non-degree student to a degree.
Continuing Non-degree students are subject to the same policies as all Indiana University Students and the policies of the specific schools in which they take classes. Consult the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct.
If not attached at the time of application, completed/signed forms must be emailed to nondegr@indiana.edu or loaded to the submitted application.
A hold will be placed on your record for the current and subsequent semesters while you are a CND student. Once forms and permissions are received, the hold will be removed for that particular semester to allow registration. If you are admitted to a different status, please notify nondegr@indiana.edu to request the hold be permanently removed.
For a course with PERM or RST listed in the Schedule of Classes, you must ask the department offering the course to add their permission online. This is in addition to obtaining the signatures on the form.
Emails you have obtained from the instructor and from the chair stating permission may be accepted instead of the actual physical signatures. Please load a copy of the emails to the application. Submit the Course Enrollment Request Form with the course/student information box completed; leave the signature lines blank.
Please contact the department offering the course to learn the name of the instructor and chair or consult the Schedule of Classes.
These signatures indicate that the department is willing to allow a non-degree student in the course if space is available at the time of registration. The signatures do not guarantee enrollment in the course unless the department staff chooses to reserve space for the student. The University Graduate School cannot guarantee enrollment in a class due to space considerations.
In order to register for courses, you first must activate your university information technology account (if you have not already done so) to obtain a username and password. Choose Create My First IU Account on One.IU home page to activate.
By using Student Center via One.IU, you can register for your classes, check your grades and your Bursar account, update your name and address, etc. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to submit signed Course Enrollment Request Forms before you will be activated to register.
Returning students need to complete the Course Enrollment Request Form each subsequent semester. Student Central lists enrollment dates for all students. Learn about open registration dates at Student Central.
A hold will be placed on your record for the current and subsequent semesters while you are a CND student. Once forms and permission are received, the hold will be removed for that particular semester to allow registration. If you are admitted to a different status, please notify nondegre@indiana.edu to request that the hold be permanently removed.
For a course with PERM or RST listed in the Schedule of Classes, you must ask the department offering the course to add their permission online. This is in addition to obtaining the signatures on the form.
If you plan to enroll in a graduate course for credit/grade and want to add a course for audit, you will submit Course Enrollment Request Forms for all courses (graded or audit) to nondegre@indiana.edu. In addition, Student Central will require an Audit Authorization Memo signed by the course instructor for the course you wish to audit. Please follow Student Central’s instructions for adding an audit course while enrolled in other courses for a grade.
If you plan to enroll in all undergraduate courses for a grade, do not complete this application. Please contact:
If you plan to audit all courses, you should not enroll through the Continuing Non-degree status. Please contact Student Central.
Student Central 408 N. Union Street Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 855-6500
You may audit a course through the CND status only if you are enrolling in a course for credit during the same semester. In addition to the application and signed Course Enrollment Request Form, you must obtain the Audit Authorization Memo. Please follow Student Central’s instructions for adding an audit course while enrolled in other courses for a grade.
Non-degree students who intend to study primarily in one department may also be admitted by that department as a special student. Not all departments admit special students. To be admitted as a special student, you must apply to the department the same way traditional students apply and indicate your desired status.