Greetings! As we anticipate the approach of cooler fall weather, we would like to give you a warm welcome from the Indiana University Bloomington Graduate School.
Our October newsletter focuses on career and professional development services provided by the Graduate School. Along with academic excellence and diversity, equity & inclusion, this is one of the three pillars of our mission and building capacity for student development and is a key objective of the IUB 2030 Strategic Plan. We are committed to providing you preparation for and access to the resources that you need to meet your career aspirations.
This past month we welcomed Trevor Verrot to the Graduate School as our next Assistant Dean for Student Development. Trevor comes to us as a past collaborator in his previous role as graduate career coach with the Walter Center for Career Achievement and with a great passion for helping students develop their professional skills and find their career paths. As Assistant Dean, he is responsible for graduate student and postdoc career and professional development programming, such as our second annual Graduate Career Diversity Symposium (which will be held November 8, 9 am – 3 pm in the Indiana Memorial Union), the Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship Program, our participation in the national Center for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning network, and our annual Three Minute Thesis Competition. In addition, he also directs the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and works closely with the Postdoc Association at IUB (PAIUB).
This year’s Graduate Career Diversity Symposium will focus on opportunities in government and non-profit organizations. The symposium will include a keynote speaker and panelists with expertise in government labs and research institutions, local and national non-profit organizations, grant writing, and internship programs in mission-driven fields. The symposium will be an opportunity to explore career pathways no matter your degree plan. Please save the date on your calendar for this event (November 8th, 9am-3pm).
We are also strengthening our ongoing collaboration with the Walter Career Center. We recently created a second graduate career coach position based in the Graduate School to address the demand for one-on-one coaching services. We are very fortunate to have hired Brandi Smith to fill this position. Brandi has a wealth of experience as a career coach, having created a system-wide career coaching program for Ivy Tech and worked previously with the IUB Career Development Center. In new role, she will work closely with the Walter Center to provide personal coaching services as well as developing a campus-wide strategic plan for serving the career coaching needs of graduate students on our campus.
We look forward to the new and expanded resources that Trevor and Brandi will develop and encourage you to follow announcements in our future newsletters.
 David Daleke Dean, IUB Graduate School |