Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
Internal Deadline #1 (Budget review): Friday, March 8, 2024
Final Internal Deadline (G5 submission): Monday, March 25, 2024
FY2024 National Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024
The Fulbright-Hays is a ‘federal grant competition to provide meritorious doctoral students who propose to conduct dissertation research overseas for a period of 6 - 12 months’. To be eligible doctoral students must be enrolled in modern foreign language training and area studies and have G901 status by grant period.
Applications are due the spring prior to the grant year. Application deadline and award notification may vary, due to the nature of federal government. The U.S. Department of Education administers the grant and their site has information regarding the application. The timeframe between the release of the application and deadline is short. If the application is not yet updated, we highly recommend using the previous year’s application as a template to begin drafting your proposal.
If you have questions contact the Graduate Fellowship & Awards Coordinator at ugsawrd@iu.edu.
February 22 3:00-4:15 PM Eastern Time LIVE Question and Answer Session #1 for Fellowship Applicants (PhD students) –Link to Join Feb. 22 Webinar
March 7 4:00-5:15 PM Eastern Time LIVE Question and Answer Session #2 for Project Directors Applicants (Institutional Project Directors) –Link to Join March 7 Webinar
Review Application Instructions and Federal Register Notice of Award. Countries closed to fellows will be indicated in the application instructions. Click here for application information
Letters of Affiliation/Host Country Supporting Materials
Human Subjects (IRB) narrative
The budget must be reviewed and approved by ORA. Email budget proposal to ugsawrd@iu.edu by the first internal deadline.
Submit application in G5 by final internal deadline. You must also email your IRB narrative as a pdf to ugsawrd@iu.edu. The Graduate Fellowship Coordinator will upload all IRB narratives to G5 and submit the university application.
The University Graduate School is the grant applicant, not the student, so all communications from and to the Department of Education will go through the Fellowship and Awards Coordinator. The coordinator will notify you of the Fulbright-Hays DDRA decision, forward important information and documents, and act as an intermediary when communicating to DDRA. The notification of awards will vary and may occur anytime between mid-summer through September 30th.
Please note: The Department of Education fiscal year ends on September 30th and if award notifications are emailed on September 30th you will likely need to reply with your acceptance/decline form the same-day.
The Fellowship and Awards Coordinator will receive award notification email(s) from DDRA and will forward relevant documents to applicants related to the Grant Award Notification (GAN). Documents will include a Technical Review Form, and if applicable, an Acceptance-Declination Form and your individual Fulbright-Hays budget.
Email ddra@ed.gov your completed FY DDRA Acceptance-Declination Form by the deadline set by DDRA, please copy ugsawrd@iu.edu when emailing forms to DDRA.
Read, initial, and submit DDRA Handbook to ddra@ed.gov and ugsawrd@iu.edu.
The Fellowship & Awards Coordinator will trigger your access to the DoE International Resource Information System (IRIS).
Log into IRIS and complete the pre-departure report. The pre-departure report may include sections on fellow information, grant period, and pre-language evaluation.
For the language evaluation, confirm the language(s) in the predeparture report and email your language evaluator(s) name and email to ugsawrd@iu.edu. The Fellowship & Awards Coordinator will initiate the evaluators access to IRIS.
Please try to select a language expert who can also complete the post-language evaluation. Be sure to inform evaluators they will be completing the evaluation.
Submit pre-departure Report.
Attend the DDRA Orientation for New Fellows (link will be forwarded by Fellowship & Awards Coordinator).
Finalize IRB approval.
Secure visas and necessary research permission(s) from host country.
Provide Graduate Fellowship & Awards Coordinator necessary information to complete the Grant Approval Request (GAR) (form). GAR approval is contingent on fellows securing IRB and visa requirements. Do NOT purchase flights until GAR is approved.
Indiana University is the applicant for the Fulbright-Hays and all funding is managed by the University Graduate School. You are required to maintain a details budget of all your expense. Funding amounts are based on the approved budget provided by DDRA. You must keep your expenses within the approved budget amounts for each category:
International Travel and Baggage: Travel cannot be purchased before the GAR is approved.
Maintenance Allowance: Arrangements for lump-sum disbursements will be negotiated with the Fellowships and Awards Coordinator.
Dependents Allowance, if applicable.
Project Allowance: Receipts for eligible Project Allowance expenses can be submitted monthly for reimbursement.
Insurance: Insurance can be provided by the University Graduate School, IU COBRA insurance, or privately. If you purchase private insurance, please submit receipts for reimbursements. Note: UGS fellowship insurance may be no be available if you have a mid-semester or summer start date.
After completing your Fulbright-Hays grant period, you have 90 days to complete the Post-Fellowship Report, including the post-fellowship language evaluation. Please inform the Fellowship & Awards Coordinator if your evaluator has changed.